

Genre Fantasy
Numéro 4
Scenario Stokoe, James
Dessin Stokoe, James
Date de parution 23-02-22
Upc 76156800789300411
Langue EN
Cover artiest Stokoe, James
Délai de livraison Précommande
Couverture Comic
Poids 62
Diamond Code DEC210422
Date limité de precommande 2022-01-31
Date de parution 23-02-2022
Précommander Prix BD Web Membre: 3,99
Précommander ORPHAN & FIVE BEASTS #4 (OF 4)

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James Stokoe's insane Kung Fu epic comes to a glorious conclusion when the warrior Orphan Mo's hunt for the five former powerful disciples ends in an insane battle. Part Five Deadly Venoms and part surreal grindhouse, James Stokoe brings his knack for ultra-detailed fantasy imagery and over-the-top violence to this classic tale of revenge.