

Genre Fantasy
Numéro 4
Scenario Ba
Dessin Ba
Upc 70985303301100411
Langue EN
Brand Code Image comics
Cover artiest Ba, Juni
Délai de livraison Précommande
Poids 62
Diamond Code FEB220228
Date limité de precommande 2022-03-14
Date de parution 06-04-2022
Précommander Prix BD Web Membre: 3,99
Précommander MONKEY MEAT #4 (OF 5)

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Plus d'infos

The love of a fan is pure, right? And nowhere is a fan's love more rewarded than at the Monkey Meat company! When Monkey Meat's biggest admirer gets her dream job on the island, she isn't expecting a ghostly visit, a safari through monstrous lands, or a harsh revelation that her love may be misplaced…