Couverture TPB
Langue EN
Numéro ISBN 9781779514318
Poids 448
Cover artiest Bryan Hitch
Délai de livraison Précommande
Diamond Code 1221DC041
Date limité de precommande 2022-01-16
Date de parution 15-03-2022
Livrable entre 12 et 19 jours Prix BD Web Membre: 29,99

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'The World’s Greatest Detective buried alive. Once a week, rain or shine, Alfred Pennyworth walks to a little cemetery plot on the Wayne Manor grounds. He meticulously tends to Thomas and Martha Wayne’s headstones, plinths, and slabs: weeding, cleaning, polishing. But how much longer before there’s another Wayne memorial to tend to? Batman’s current case forces him to inhabit the mind of a murder victim with a half-eaten face—sending him on a collision course with an enemy who has infiltrated every part of Gotham. Every corner Batman turns leads him one step closer to his own grave! In The Batman’s Grave Complete Collection, Warren Ellis and Bryan Hitch, one of the most legendary creative partnerships of the modern age, reunite for a story about life, death, and the questions most are too afraid to ask.'